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Pelvic floor Therapy

Pelvic floor issues can affect both men and women, but at Netherine’s Pelvic Floor Therapy, we offer a unique and specialized solution. If you’re seeking to regain pelvic health and well-being, our team of experts is here to provide you with personalized care designed to address your specific needs.

Why Visit Us

Your Path to Pelvic Health Begins Here

Pelvic health issues can be sensitive and challenging, but they don’t have to be permanent. At Netherine’s, we’re here to motivate and guide you on your journey to restoring pelvic health and reclaiming your wellness.

  • Expert Pelvic Floor Therapy: Our therapists are specialized in pelvic floor care, offering you the expertise needed to address these sensitive issues.
  • Customized Treatment: We tailor your therapy to your unique pelvic health needs, ensuring you receive personalized care and support.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Restoring pelvic health can significantly enhance your overall quality of life, providing relief from discomfort and symptoms.

What Makes Us Unique

The Netherine's Pelvic Floor Therapy Advantage

What sets us apart is our focus on providing personalized care for both male and female patients. Choose us because:

  • Comprehensive Expertise: Our therapists are experts in pelvic health, comprehending the distinct needs and challenges faced by both men and women.
  • Empowerment: We empower you to take control of your pelvic health, providing education and self-care strategies to support your overall well-being.
  • Holistic Approach: Our therapy is designed to not only alleviate symptoms but also address the underlying causes, ensuring a more complete and lasting recovery.

The Treatment Process

Your Journey to Pelvic Health, Step by Step

Our treatment process is designed to guide you through a well-structured journey to pelvic health and wellness:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: We begin with a thorough assessment of your pelvic health, symptoms, and concerns.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Your therapist will create a personalized plan, utilizing specialized techniques to address your specific pelvic floor issues.
  3. Targeted Therapy: We provide therapy designed to strengthen and rehabilitate your pelvic floor muscles, alleviating symptoms and discomfort.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We closely monitor your progress to ensure your therapy is effective and that you’re on the path to lasting recovery.
  5. Empowerment and Maintenance: We educate you on self-care and exercises to help maintain your pelvic health and prevent future issues.

Ready to take the first step toward reclaiming your pelvic health and overall well-being? Schedule an appointment with Netherine’s Pelvic Floor Therapy for comprehensive, specialized care. Your pelvic health is our priority, and we’re here to support you on your journey to a more comfortable and fulfilling life. Don’t let pelvic health issues hold you back – choose personalized care with our specialized pelvic floor therapy.

Our Treatment 

Conditions Related to Pelvic Floor Treated

Our Pelvic Floor Therapy is designed to address and alleviate a comprehensive list of conditions related to the pelvic region. Some of the conditions we treat include:

  1. Pain in the Pelvic Region:
    • Pelvic pain can have various causes, including muscle tension, inflammation, or nerve-related issues. Pelvic Floor Therapy focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of pelvic pain, providing relief and improving quality of life.
  2. Burning Sensation During Urination:
    • This discomfort can be a result of infections, muscle tension, or other issues. Pelvic Floor Therapy offers solutions to alleviate the burning sensation and improve urinary comfort.
  3. Severe Menstrual Cramping:
    • Intense menstrual cramps can be debilitating. Pelvic Floor Therapy helps manage and reduce cramping by addressing muscle tension and inflammation in the pelvic region.
  4. Pelvic Organ Prolapse:
    • Prolapse occurs when pelvic organs, like the bladder, uterus, or rectum, sag or drop into the vaginal canal. Pelvic Floor Therapy provides strengthening exercises and support to address this condition.
  5. Constipation:
    • Chronic constipation can be related to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Pelvic Floor Therapy includes exercises to improve bowel function and reduce constipation.
  6. Urinary or Bowel Incontinence:
    • Incontinence can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Pelvic Floor Therapy offers treatments to regain control over bladder and bowel functions, reducing accidents and improving confidence.
  7. Fecal Incontinence:
    • Fecal incontinence can be embarrassing and isolating. Pelvic Floor Therapy provides specialized exercises and interventions to manage this condition and improve social well-being.
  8. Overactive Bladder:
    • An overactive bladder can lead to frequent, urgent urination. Pelvic Floor Therapy includes strategies to calm and control bladder function, reducing urgency and frequent trips to the restroom.
  9. Painful Intercourse:
    • Pain during sexual intercourse can strain relationships and affect emotional well-being. Pelvic Floor Therapy aims to reduce pain and discomfort, allowing for a healthier intimate life.
  10. Pelvic Nerve Injuries:
    • Nerve injuries can cause pelvic pain and dysfunction. Pelvic Floor Therapy focuses on rehabilitation and pain management, addressing nerve-related issues to enhance overall well-being.
  11. Interstitial Cystitis:
    • Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition characterized by bladder discomfort. Pelvic Floor Therapy provides strategies to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.
  12. Pain Related to Pregnancy:
    • Pregnancy can lead to various pelvic discomforts. Pelvic Floor Therapy offers support to relieve pain and maintain pelvic health during and after pregnancy.
  13. Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions:
    • Dysfunctions in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to numerous issues. Pelvic Floor Therapy aims to identify and address these dysfunctions, promoting improved pelvic health.
  14. Stress Urinary Incontinence:
    • Stress urinary incontinence often occurs during activities like sneezing or laughing. Pelvic Floor Therapy strengthens pelvic floor muscles to prevent leakage.
  15. Endometriosis:
    • Endometriosis can cause severe pelvic pain. Pelvic Floor Therapy addresses pain management and can help improve the quality of life for those with endometriosis.
  16. Erectile Dysfunction:
    • Pelvic Floor Therapy can also benefit men. It includes exercises to improve blood flow and muscle tone in the pelvic area, potentially aiding in erectile function.
  17. Painful Urination:
    • Painful urination can be related to various issues, including urinary tract infections. Pelvic Floor Therapy offers strategies to alleviate pain and improve urinary comfort.
  18. Pelvic Surgery:
    • After pelvic surgery, rehabilitation is crucial. Pelvic Floor Therapy supports recovery and helps regain optimal pelvic function.
  19. Postpartum and Pregnancy Wellness:
    • Pregnancy and childbirth can impact the pelvic floor. Pelvic Floor Therapy is essential for postpartum recovery and enhancing overall well-being during pregnancy.
  20. Prostatitis:
    • Prostatitis can cause pelvic discomfort in men. Pelvic Floor Therapy offers specialized interventions to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.
  21. Vaginismus:
    • Vaginismus causes pain and discomfort during intercourse. Pelvic Floor Therapy provides strategies and exercises to address and manage this condition.
  22. Bladder Emptying Problems:
    • Difficulty emptying the bladder can lead to urinary discomfort. Pelvic Floor Therapy includes exercises to improve bladder emptying.
  23. Bladder Retention:
    • Retention can lead to urinary discomfort and urgency. Pelvic Floor Therapy offers strategies to address and manage bladder retention.
  24. Dysmenorrhea:
    • Dysmenorrhea, or painful periods, can be debilitating. Pelvic Floor Therapy provides pain management techniques to improve comfort during menstruation.
  25. Pelvic Congestion:
    • Pelvic congestion can lead to discomfort and pressure. Pelvic Floor Therapy aims to alleviate these symptoms and improve overall well-being.
  26. Pelvic Pressure:
    • Pelvic pressure can be uncomfortable. Pelvic Floor Therapy provides support to reduce pressure and enhance pelvic health.